Page 8 - The Brooklyn Family Pages-Good Buys are Just Around the Corner
P. 8

          !הלחתבכ ךתיב הנבכ ךתיב הנב

        Do your םיתב ןיליפת look the
        same as they looked at your רב
         Do you know that many םיתב
         (even the most expensive)
         deteriorate over time?
          Common Problems include:
             - שאר לש spreading apart
             - Stitches loosening or
             - Paint peeling or chipping
             - Paint peeling or chipping
              - Corners becoming rounded
              - Corners becoming rounded
              - Bottom of ןיליפת warping
            How about your תועוצר?
               - Do you know that many
            תועוצר develop white spots
             rendering them לוספ?
                - Does the רשק of the די לש
              touch the תיב at all times?

                  Have your
                  Have your םיתב and תועוצר checkedםיתב and תועוצר checked
                 and repaired by an expert רעכאמ םיתב.
                 and repaired by an expert
                 Call R' Chaim Zvi Landy
                      (347) 576 - 0231
                   תוזוזמו ןיליפת םירכומו םיקדוב םג
                  Computer checking also available
                  Same day service on some repairs

        Brooklyn Family Pages              718-535-1193 •                   March 11 ‘18  8
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